Our Services

  • Traffic Impact Assessments

    Our Traffic Impact Assessments provide a comprehensive analysis of the traffic and transport engineering implications of urban development projects. Utilising site specific survey data and empirical evidence of comparable projects, our assessments are tailored to determine the impacts of each individual project.

  • Waste Management Plans

    We specialise in Waste Management Plans designed for a wide range of developments, customising each plan to meet the specific guidelines of the applicable municipality. Our solutions are crafted to ensure efficient waste disposal, regulatory compliance, and sustainable practices, supporting municipalities in building a cleaner, greener future for their communities.

  • Swept Path Analysis

    Through our swept path analysis services, we provide valuable guidance that assists our clients in making informed decisions regarding the design of their developments. Our objective is to ensure that vehicle movements are safe and functional, whilst optimising the development potential of the site.

  • VCAT Expert Evidence

    We have a comprehensive understanding of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) system as it relates to traffic engineering and transportation planning. We understand the importance of an expert that can dissect complex traffic engineering problems and offer clear, well-founded conclusions at VCAT.

  • Car Parking Demand Assessments

    Our robust Car Parking Demand Assessments analyse those developments that provide car parking at a lower rate than the statutory requirements. Our assessments leverage our intricate understanding of planning framework, site specific car parking surveys and empirical data of comparable developments to justify lower car parking rates for urban development projects.

  • Green Travel Plans

    Our Green Travel Plans outline a variety of strategies, targets and actions to reduce dependency on vehicle travel, while encouraging the use of more sustainable transport modes. By incorporating a Green Travel Plan with your planning application, you not only contribute to a greener future but also significantly improve your prospects of obtaining planning approval for a car parking reduction.

  • Car Park Design

    We carefully review architectural plans to ensure that vehicle access arrangements and car parking layouts enable safe and efficient vehicle access for all users. Our expertise in car park design extends to all types of urban development projects and includes multi-level car park structures, car stacker systems, car lift installations, complex ramp designs and more.