Waste Management Plans

Our Waste Management Plans (WMP) are prepared to ensure efficient waste disposal, regulatory compliance, and sustainable practices, supporting municipalities in building a cleaner, greener future for their communities. Key components of our WMPs include:

  1. Project Details: Description of the proposed development, including its location, type, and scale.

  2. Waste Generation Estimates: Predictions of the amount and types of waste that will be generated during operational phases of the development.

  3. Waste Reduction and Management Strategies: Plans to minimise waste production, including design considerations, efficient material use, and recycling practices.

  4. Waste Storage and Collection: Details on how waste will be stored on-site, including the design and location of waste storage areas and access for collection services.

  5. Recycling and Disposal: Information on how waste will be sorted, recycled, or disposed of, including details on the facilities that will be used for disposal and recycling.

  6. Compliance with Regulations: Ensuring that the WMP meets local regulations and standards, including those set by local councils.

  7. Monitoring and Reporting: Procedures for monitoring waste management practices and reporting on waste management performance to ensure compliance with the plan.

Our WMPs help to ensure that waste is managed in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner, and are often a requirement for obtaining planning approval. They demonstrate the developer's commitment to minimising the environmental impact of their project and complying with local waste management regulations. We specialise in developing WMPs for various development applications, tailoring each plan to meet the specific guidelines of the relevant municipality.

By having our traffic engineers and waste consultants work together, we ensure that our WMPs are seamlessly integrated, optimising project efficiency and compliance whilst simultaneously addressing both transportation and waste management needs.