Swept Path Analysis

Swept path analysis is a technique used in traffic engineering to evaluate whether a vehicle can navigate through a specific path or area without encountering obstacles. Using engineering software programs, we model the trajectory of a vehicle as it turns or manoeuvres through a space, such as a road, intersection, or car parking facility. Key aspects of swept path assessments include:

  1. Vehicle Modeling: The dimensions and turning radius of the vehicle are modeled. This can include different types of passenger vehicles, service vehicles, trucks, or buses.

  2. Clearance Analysis: The analysis checks if the swept path of the vehicle fits within the given space with the ability to factor in additional clearance envelopes, if required by applicable design standards. This helps ensure that the vehicle can navigate without hitting kerbs, obstacles, or other vehicles.

  3. Design Adjustments: If the swept path analysis indicates potential problems, adjustments can be made to the design and communicated to the client team to improve accessibility and safety.

This analysis is crucial for designing roadways, intersections, car parking facilities, and any area where vehicle manoeuvrability is a concern. It  also helps in ensuring that designs accommodate the largest vehicles expected to use the space and avoid potential collisions or damage. When submitting planning applications, swept path analysis is often required by local authorities to demonstrate that the proposed design can accommodate vehicle movements.

We bring extensive experience in preparing swept path assessments for a wide range of applications, including the ability to manage complex scenarios and custom vehicle designs to ensure safe and efficient navigation through challenging spaces. This includes:

  • Modelling custom low-clearance vehicles, such as luxury cars, to ensure they can navigate ramps and basement car parks without scraping or bottoming out.

  • Evaluating space-constrained parking layouts to ensure passenger vehicles can access their parking spaces efficiently and effectively.

  • Testing access into mechanical parking systems such as car lifts, vehicle turntables, vehicle hoists and car stacker systems.

  • Modelling the ability for heavy vehicles to navigate roads, intersections and internal accessways and loading areas.